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TitanWELL Services

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TitanWELL offers a variety of programs to assist students in making healthy choices.

View the information below to learn more about our services




Substance Intervention & Prevention (SIP)

Titan Up the Party

Using a harm-reduction approach to alcohol use, this presentation addresses the basics of alcohol consumptions. The presentation includes information on standard drink size, blood alcohol concentration (BAC), binge drinking defined, Good Samaritan law, and how to be a friend when alcohol poisoning is a concern. 

The Blunt Truth

This presentation debunks common myths regarding cannabis use and addresses the impact of THC on brain development, sleep, health-related risks, signs of tolerance and cannabis use disorder, and harm reduction strategies to reduce consumption of THC. 

Cooking Healthy & Optimal Movement Promotion (CHOMP)

Benny’s Way to Create Healthy Habits

The basics of joyful movement and eating for health. We all know that exercise and nutrition improve wellbeing, but finding time manage these habits in college can be overwhelming. We will break down what are the most beneficial habits for a busy college life, and help you reframe new ways of creating and implementing SMART health goals.

Sexual Health Awareness Group (SHAG)

The Lowdown on Gettin’ Down

Discussing the importance of sexual responsibility may be difficult for some individuals; however, this presentation offers an educational overview of sexually transmitted infections, barrier and contraceptive methods, and sexual communication skills. 

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Readily Accessible Protection Program (RAP)

The RAP program offers you discreet, no-cost access to a variety of condoms, lubricants, and other forms of protection from the comfort of campus!

Safe Sex Supplies Request Form

Individual Consultations

All individual appointments are 30-60 minutes and are being held over Zoom, on the phone, and/or in-person.

Alcohol and Marijuana Use

Our alcohol and other drugs health educator uses a harm reduction, non-judgmental approach to help students reach their goals. Sessions include an assessment, goal setting, follow-up, and referral to resources. Our health educator covers information for the following topics:

    • Alcohol
    • Tobacco/vaping
    • Cannabis
    • Opioid use

To make an appointment with the alcohol and other drugs health educator, please call (657)278-7460. 

Sexual Health

Our certified sexual health educator provides a confidential and non-judgmental atmosphere where students can feel comfortable asking questions and receive unbiased information on:

    • Contraceptive options 
    • Sexually transmitted diseases 
    • Pregnancy options education

To make an appointment with the sexual health educator, please call (657)278-2851.

Health and Wellness Coaching (HWC) at TitanWELL

Our  CHOMP   Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach helps guide you through the process of assessing your health goals by   focusing on what matters to you . Our HWC utilizes a strength-based coaching process along with training in chronic disease and weight management to creates an inclusive environment for self-discovery and growth. Students will identify a health vision for the semester, set up a  realistic action plan , and  find the time to implement   the plan. Follow up sessions include,   reassessing the plan ,  discussing barriers ,  formulating solutions , and resources identification on and off campus. Example health goals include:

  • Boosting Physical Wellness
  • Eating for Health
    • Learning to cook
    • Meal planning, shopping, and meal prep
    • Nutrition behavior counseling
    • Nutrition Education
    • Identifying food needs and resources
  • Joyful Movement for Health
    • Create realistic, safe exercise plans and routines!

To make an appointment with the health and wellness coach, please call (657)278-5542 or email

Commit to Quit Program

The Commit to Quit Program offers various resources and services for students who would like to start their quit journey with tobacco and vaping. Students can receive a free quit kit with self-help materials and tools to begin their first day.

Commit to Quit Kit Request Form


  Recorded Presentations can be viewed on our   YouTube channel.

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